

From Strassoldo – Cervignano del Friuli – Italy – Ex Austrian-Hungarian Empire with branches in Brazil, Australia, EUA, New Zealand, France and Greece





Ugo Perissinoto and Juliana Areias in Strassoldo – September 2015. Strassoldo’s borderline landmark between Italy and Austria Empire (Strassoldo) during the 1st World War.

Árvore Genealógica / Family Tree – My Heritage Website

Em português / In English

Huge thanks, muito obrigada, grazie mille, Graciis for been here!

This website is dedicated to the history and genealogy of the Tinos Family.

All spelling variations belong to the same family:

Tinos, Tinoz,Thinoz, Tinois, Tinossi, Tinossa, Tinosso.

I have been curious about and fascinated by the history of this family since I was a child, and passionately researching it since 2000. In my childhood I was intrigued by my family’s oral tradition that the Tinos Family was from Vienna,  Austria, but they didn’t speak German. Their language was Furlan (Friulian). How could this be possible?  My beloved grandmother Lola (Laura) and her sister Tia Rosa didn’t have an answer.  This fundamental question was the origin of the universe of discoveries to follow. 

This research has only developed  thanks to the incredible work, talent, skill, time, persistence, generosity and help of Italian historian and friend Ugo Perissinotto, the “Tinos Family’s guardian angel”. Thanks to him we have discovered the origin of the family in Strassoldo and found so many documents and books related to the family in Europe. 

In Brazil, a special thanks for the generous help, passion, and friendship of researcher and friend  Josi Baggio, for all the hours spent searching and analysing documents, articles, clues and having delicious philosophical “virtual coffees” with me. Also thanks to researchers Sônia Maria Trombelli, Zizzo Bertega, Tânia Rossari, Sônia Cazalini, Eliane Brandão, Léa Beraldo and Regina Cascão for all help, clues and information shared. 

Thanks to the whole family in Brazil, especially to cousin Felício Cabral Mendes ( for finding the arrival record of the Tinos Family in Brazil -16/4/1885), Laura Gomes Areias, Rosa Gomes Areias, José Alfredo Gomes Arêas, Lucia Areias Canal, Luciana Alberti Tinos (left photo), Luciana Botelho Tinos, João Augusto Xavier Tinoz, Luciana Aparecida Tinoz, Angélica Xavier Tinoz, Eliana Rosin Lopes, Feresin Family and to all relatives present at the Tinos Family Reunions – for all the blood, love, life and stories we share.

Thanks to cousin Giorgio Tinos and his family wife Louise and daughters Giselle and Jana (right photo) in Queensland,  Australia, for their open heart and enormous help in finding the lost connection between his great grandfather Giovanni Tinos (father of Attilio Tinos) and my great great grandfather Antonio Tinos (who imigrated to Brazil). Together we discovered that Giovanni Tinos (1/9/1844) and Antonio Tinos (18/5/1830) were in fact brothers. 

Thank you to Lysiane, French great great granddaughter of Julia Tinos (24/10/1841), who let us know about her French branch of the Family. 

Thank you eternlly to my loves – my partner Geoffrey Francis Drake-Brockman and my kids Jobim Areias da Mata and Lilas Areias da Mata (left photo) for coming with enthusiasm to Strassoldo with me. 

For new generations of Tinos descendants – may they be inspired, curious and intrigued to continue this journey of self and mutual discovery. 

Perth, 21 February 2017. (Last update June 2020).

Juliana Areias –  Juliana Vasconcellos Mendes (7/2/1975)

Some Tinos Family descendants in the image:

From left to right:
1) Victorio Tinos (1910-2004) – son of Antonio Tinos & Clementina LLoti.
2) Maria Tinos (1927-2012) daughter of Attilio Tinos & Gisella Minitel.
3) Attilio Tinos (1890-1959) – son of Giovanni Tinos & Eugilda Blandina Checco (Giga). Giovanni is brother of Antonio Tinos who came to Brazil.
4) Anna Maria Tinos (1867) daughter of Antonio Tinos & Elisabetta Grassetti.
5) Luigi Tinos (1865-1943) son of Antonio Tinos & Elisabetta Grassetti.
6) Celestina Tinos (1862) daughter of Antonio Tinos & Elisabetta Grassetti.
7) Laura Gomes Areias (1921-2003) daughter of Marcellina Tinos & Luiz Gomes Areias.
8) Juliana Areias (1975) – great granddaughter of Marcellina Tinos.
9) Luigi Tinos (1927) & cousin Giorgio Tinos (1944). Luigi, son of Attilio Tinos & Gisella Minitel). Giorgio, son of Pia Tinos.
10) Luigi Tinos (1927-1980) son of Attilio Tinos & Gisella Minitel.
11) Pia Tinos (1921-1956) daughter of Attilio Tinos & Gisella Minitel.
12) Giuseppe Vincenzo Tinos (1869) son of Antonio Tinos & Elisabetta Grassetti.
13) Marcellina Tinos (1876-1965) daughter of Antonio Tinos & Elisabetta Grassetti.
14) Victorio Tinos (1910-2004) – son of Antonio Tinos & Clementina LLoti.
15) Rosa Gomes Areias (1918-2006) daughter of Marcellina Tinos & Luiz Gomes Areias.
16) Rosa Gomes Areias (1918-2006) daughter of Marcellina Tinos & Luiz Gomes Areias.

Website created by : Juliana Areias – Perth, Australia   what’s app +61 405279160

Juliana Areias, Brazilian singer and composer based in Perth, Australia;  great grand daughter of Marcellina Tinos (20/2/1876).